Tips For Computer User

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Location: Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Saturday, January 28, 2006



Spam refers to unsolicited email, mostly commercial, advertising a product or service that is mass mailed to thousands of email addresses at a time, filling people’s Inboxes. Spam does not refer to legitimate commercial email for which consumers have given their consent. Spam is often a source of scams, viruses and offensive content.

Spam is a major problem that takes up valuable time and increases costs for consumers, business and governments. Each of us must do our part to protect ourselves and others from spam. Canada's Task Force on Spam has developed these three tips to help you protect yourself and fight spam. Read more..


Spam, viruses, identity-theft schemes, and hoaxes are just some of the threats to e-mail users today. Get more..

Tips and help for regular users

Check out the sections below for tips and tools. Each item is marked with keyletters - W for Windows Users; M for Mac; U for UNIX/Linux; A for Any; I for Information; P for Product; S for Service; and C for Commercial. Read more..